Dec 3, 2017

Simple TypeScript Application.!

Here is the simple TypeScript  application using the Visual studio.

Open Visual studio 2017- I have installed the express version it's free to for all from Visual studio community

Step 1:

Create project from the below screen

Step 2 :

Choose type script templates from left and select Blank node.js console application from below screen

Step 3: after creation of the project solution is like this

Step 4: open the app.ts filed and paste the below code.

var message: string = "Hello this is type script sample";


step 5: run the project and verify the out put in command prompt

Here is the out put:

that's we are done with hello world Type script program.

as i told type script is a super set of java script.

the moment you compile the code it converts into java script

Type script code before conversion:

var message: string = "Hello this is type script sample";


after conversion to Pure java script

//Generated by typescript 
var message = "Hello this is type script sample";


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