Jun 22, 2011

Get A List Of Installed Applications Using LINQ And C#

To get a list of installed applications we need to look into registry. Microsoft.Win32 namespace contains objects which can be used to work with Windows Registry. In this post I will show you some code where I use the power of LINQ to retrieve and display a list of all applications installed on a machine.
The basic idea is that we iterate through a collection of RegistryKey objects within LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. We then open the sub keys and get the DisplayName.
Here is the code:
static void DisplayInstalledApplications()
  string registryKey = 
  using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key =
    var query = from a in
              let r = key.OpenSubKey(a)
              select new
                Application = r.GetValue("DisplayName")
    foreach (var item in query)
      if (item.Application != null)
I can also make this a bit more LINQed by removing the foreach loop. It just adds a bit more C# 3.0 flavour to the code and does the retrieval and writing to console in one line.
static void DisplayInstalledApplications2()
  string registryKey =
  using (Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = 
    (from a in key.GetSubKeyNames()
    let r = key.OpenSubKey(a)
    select new
      Application = r.GetValue("DisplayName")
      .FindAll(c => c.Application != null)
      .ForEach(c => Console.WriteLine(c.Application));

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