Nov 11, 2011

C# Get All Files from a Folder

List all files from a folder using C# / List all files from folder and its subdirectories using C#
The following code lists all the files from the specifed folder and its sub folders
To list all Excel files using C#, modify the first argument to “*.xls”
private static void GetFilesFromDirectory(string DirPath)
DirectoryInfo Dir = new DirectoryInfo(DirPath);
FileInfo[] FileList = Dir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories );
foreach (FileInfo FI in FileList )
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message );
The following wildcard specifiers are permitted in searchPattern.
Wildcard character
Zero or more characters.
Exactly one character.
Search for Word files starting with “Proposal” using C# in Current Directory
FileInfo[] FileList = Dir.GetFiles("Proposal*.doc", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly );
SearchPattern for files in C#, C# Dir Function SearchPatterns, List All files using C#, C# Dir Function, C# List of Files, How to get the list of files using C#,


  1. How i can pass the path, could you please post the full code here

  2. please take one string name is DirPath like

    string DirPath="c:\\temp";

    and pass this value to that GetFilesFromDirectory function
