May 13, 2013

MVC training–from beginner to advanced

1.MVC – principles
§  MVC presentation – Model, View, Controller, ViewModel, AutoMapper
§  MVC versus WebForms
§  Practice application
§  Homework
2.    MVC in action – basics
§  MVC practice application – review
§  ViewModel / ViewBag / ViewData
§  Sending parameters : Action to Action , Action to View, View to View, View to Action
§  Model Binding: Default, CheckboxFor,
§  Practice Application: Binding a serialized class. Binding to a list
§  MVC Routing : examples, hidden id, catch all route
§  Homework
3.    MVC in action  – medium
§  Razor and MVC : Areas. Layout. EditorTemplates/DisplayTemplates, practice for DateTime
§  Ajax in MVC: Ajax with JQuery, practice for handling errors.
§  MVC filters:  IAuthorization, IActionFilter, IResultFilter,IExceptionFilter , practice: IActionFilter  for logging actions/views times
§  Homework
4.    MVC in action  – advances
§  MVC Security: Authorize, practice
§  TDD MVC : on ViewModel, on Action, on View.Practice.
§  MVC tools: T4MVC , RouteDebugger, Glimpse ,MiniProfiler
§  Localization
§  Final Q&A.

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