Jan 28, 2014

What is XAML?

·         XAML stands for Extended Application Markup Langauge.
·         XAML specifies the user interface for Silverlight or WPF application.
·         XAML is used declare controls on Silverlight or WPF Page.
·         In simple terms XAML Page is similar to .Aspx Page in asp.net website.
·         In .Aspx Page we use Html to form UI, while in XAML we use Xml to form UI
     Both Silverlight and WPF use XAML to form User Interface.

     One of the main goals of XAML is to separate the code logic of an application from its UI so it’s similar to MVC.
     Like all other XML based markup languages XAML consists of elements, attributes and namespaces. All XML rules can be applied to XAML but it has some own rules.
  But generally XAML comes with these advantages:
  • Building user interfaces is easier and needs less code.
  • Transferring user interfaces designed with XAML between platforms is easy because they’re simple XML text files.


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